Growth and Change Counseling Los Angeles CA

PsychotherapistPsychotherapistMarriage and Family Therapists


Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Weekby appointment only

About Growth and Change Counseling Los Angeles CA

We are relationships oriented therapists. Whatever it is you are dealing with, we will come alongside you and partner with you to help you reach the goals and growth that you desire for yourself. We have discovered that healthy relationships are an antidote to so many of the mental health concerns we experience. If people are depressed, anxious, addicted, angry, or hurt, they have a tendency to withdraw or isolate and that isolation perpetuates the struggles they are experiencing. We are relational beings and we find that it is in whole and healthy relationships that we experience our greatest growth and healing.

Open 24 Hours
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Credit Cards Accepted
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Kid Friendly
Multi-lingual Business
Senior Friendly
Health & Safety

Areas Served

We serve the greater Los Angeles area including Los Angeles, Santa Clarita, West LA, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Torrance, and Santa Ana


Addictions and Substance Abuse Therapy

I am an addictions specialist with specialist. I work with both process addictions like pornography, gaming, gambling, internet, and social media, and substance addictions like drugs and alcohol. If you have the desire to break free from addiction, you have come to the right place. We walk you through the process of addiction recovery and support you in your recovery journey.

ADHD Therapy

There are many reasons why children struggle with the symptoms related to ADHD. In this technological world, children are conditioned to have shorter attention spans, need immediate gratification, and have lower frustration tolerance. Regardless of whether your child meets all of the criteria for an official ADHD diagnosis, there are many things that can be done to enhance your child's natural inclinations to learn, increase their relational intelligence and coping skills, and improve positive behaviors both at home and at school. If your child is struggling and you are concerned he or she may have ADHD, call us today so we can help you form a treatment plan that is helpful for you and your child.

Anger Management Therapy

Behind depression is rage and behind the rage is separation anxiety. Entire societies have been build on the premise that anger is bad and has to be suppressed so its not uncommon that individuals also struggle with uncontrolled anger. When we learn to engage anger as an emotion with its rightful place in our life, and learn to express it in healthy ways that are not relationally destructive, we are then able to let go of old patterns of expressing anger that have been so damaging. We want you to know with the development of relational intelligence, you too can take control of your anger and experience positive growth in your relationships.

Psychotherapy for Anxiety

Anxiety comes from the fear of getting hurt again or from the perpetual anxiety rooted in experiences of having been perpetually unsafe. In the first instance, the person fears that the source of their pain will happen again and tries to avoid it at all costs. In the second situation, the person looks out at the world and sees the worst possible scenario in everything. Regardless of what your anxieties or phobias are, we want you to know that you can overcome anxiety, emotionally stabilize, and regain control of your emotional and relational well being.

Therapy for Aspergers High Functioning ASD

All mental health problems are rooted in the break down in our relationships. The biggest struggle for people on the autistic spectrum is the struggle of relational intelligence, yearning to connect and yet lacking the ability or relational intelligence to know how to connect. We partner with parents and their children to strengthen the relational bounds and support the family in becoming the reference point for your children to grow socially and emotionally.

Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder

When we live life based on our feelings, make decisions based on them, we spiral in chaos. Its exactly what anxious, addicted, depressed people do. They respond to life based on how they feel and they get worse. Bipolar disorder is an emotional roller coaster and it can feel crazy making at times. We want you to know that we can support you in bringing stability into the emotional chaos through the development of relational intelligence and integration of different interventions into your daily life. The truth is you can develop stability over your emotional life and we would like to come along side you to support you in that journey.

Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

It has been said that when you have Borderline Personality disorder (BPD), its hard to tell where your emotions end and your loved ones emotions start. In BPD, I look to my loved one to validate me, to tell me I am okay because my own sense of self worth is so fragile or non-existent. If a loved one gets mad at me or has negative emotions I go into an emotional spiral that is crazy making because I end up in an identity crisis. If you can relate to this, give us a call, we would like to help you.

Career Counseling

An influence in my life once said, "Find something you enjoy and find someone to pay you to do it." Oh if life were that simple. It isn't and at different stages of your life you may find yourself out of discomfort or necessity reevaluating your career direction. We are here to support you as you go through this difficult time in your life.

Child and Adolescent Counseling

We want parents to know that behavioral problems are relational problems. Anytime we work with a child, we work with the parent because anything that goes from the parent to the child is way more meaningful and effective than anything that goes from us to your child, because you have the permanent relationship. While we work with the child we look at ways in which parents can strengthen their relational bonds with their child and crystalize their child's trust and respect for them.

Christian Counseling

What you believe about the world will determine the way you live your life. -AW Tozer CS Lewis wrote, "I believe in Christianity like I believe in the sun, not just because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. If you would like Christian Counseling, we take a Christian Psychology approach to your treatment that integrates the principles of relational intelligence with your faith so that you can bring all of the strengths of your relationship with God to address the issues you are experience in your life and relationships.

Therapy for Chronic Pain or Illness

Everybody wants to be satisfied and fulfilled in their life and when you find yourself in a situation where you are living in chronic pain or illness, its really hard to figure out how to move forward in any meaningful way in your life. Whatever it is you are dealing we can come alongside you to support you in navigating the health and pain challenges you are experiencing.

Codependency Treatment

When my identity becomes wrapped up in what my partner thinks about me, I find myself in the codependant position. It becomes hard for me or my partner to feel anything because our feelings are so triggering to each other. If we were both healthy my partner could have a bad day or a bad mood and I could be fine. But when I am codependent, I need my partner to be happy all the time because if they mad, sad, or bad, it means there is something wrong with me and now I am in an identity crisis. If you can relate to this, reach out to us, we can help you engage principles of relational intelligence in your life that will support your emotional stability and relational well being.

Psychotherapy for Depression

Behind Depression is anger and behind the anger is the breakdown or dysfunction in our relationships. Over a lifetime, relational pain builds up, we suppress it cause we can't resolve it and we put up walls and pull away. We become more isolated and in the relational disconnection we lose joy in our life. If you are experiencing depression, call us, we can help you.

Therapy for Dissociative Disorders

Sometimes in life, an experience so traumatic happens that my psyche splits and cuts off part of myself in order to protect myself from what happened. It was a defensive mechanism at the time of the trauma to protect me from my incapacity to process it, but now its also created a situation where part of me is cut off from the other part of me. If I stay this way, I remain stuck in a fragmented or wounded place psychologically. The reality is we all want to be whole and part of healing may involve a process of reintegrating all the parts of myself with each other. If you think you may be dissociating, call us. We would come alongside you to help you.

Divorce Counseling

Whatever situation you find yourself in, divorce is something nobody wants to face. Sometimes out of necessity or pain, we find ourselves in a divorce and its a beast to navigate. It can be both painful and traumatic. Even if you are going through it out of necessity, it wasn't something you wanted from the beginning of the relationship. Nobody starts a relationship hoping for a divorce. Sometimes it happens and sometimes its necessary and if you are going through it then you may also be grieving the loss of the idea of the relationship you thought you had. Wherever you are in this process we can support you, call us today.

Therapy for Domestic Abuse or Violence

Undergoing abuse in relationships is shocking, unexpected, humiliating, and confusing. It typically happens in cycles that leaves the victim insecure in the relationship, fearful of when it might happen again, and unable to be authentically themselves out of fear of triggering the next cycle of violence. If you are in a situation like this, we can support you. When you are going through it, its hard to think clearly and be confidant in the decisions you are making and the boundaries you are setting. We understand this mental struggle and we are here to support you and help you stabilize yourself and your life.

Forgiveness Therapy

Forgiveness is the glue that makes relationship possible. Without forgiveness, there is no possibility of relationship, without it there is simply the pullling away, putting up walls, and isolating. If we want to be healthy relationally, we don't have a choice, we have to live in a posture of forgiveness. It frees us from the power of that moment or event over our own life and allows us to move towards relationship with others who also engage the principle of forgiveness in their life.

Gambling Addiction Treatment

Gambling addiction and its offshoots such as crypto trading and sports betting are one of the hardest addiction to break. To get free from addiction an addict has to tell themselves and others the truth. By the time an addict has brought themselves to be truthful about their Gambling addiction, they have gambled away the family house, the family 401k, etc. Telling the truth is so excruciating that many never do it and therefore never recover.

Therapy Related to HIV/Aids

HIV/AIDS was stigmatized for a long time and seen by many as a death sentence. Our understanding of the disease has evolved and its important for those dealing with this issue to understand that while you may have to adjust to your experiences, life is still filled with hope, life still can be good, and you still can have dreams. Whatever your struggles around this issue, we at Growth and Change Counseling want you to know that we are here for you.

Therapy for Impulse Control Disorders

We live in a world that has designed the information technology system to condition people to respond to life based on emotion and impulse. As a matter of environmental conditioning, our daily interactions are conditioning us to respond to life based on impulse. Its no wonder that people struggle with impulse control disorders. At Growth and Change Counseling we collaborate with you to empower you to reclaim your decision making process, slow down decisions and responses, and increase frustration tolerance. This counteracts the compulsive needs of many for immediate gratification.

Therapy Related to Infertility and Adoption

There is nothing more painful than wanting to have children and being unable to. Infertility issues can bring a tremendous amount of stress to bear on a relationship. Sometime Adoption becomes a part of the conversation when infertility is an issue, and while adoption is a wonderful possibility and noble act, it can also be fraught with anxiety and stress. There is a grief process that happens to bring closure to the possibilities we wish we had and to prepare our hearts for the realities we can have and which we may not have considered before. If you are struggling with issues around infertility and adoption, Growth and Change Counseling is a safe practice that can help you.

Couples Therapy for Infidelity

Why do men cheat? Why do women cheat? Why does anyone cheat? Whether you are struggling with the insecurity of wondering how to be certain your partner is faithful to you, or whether you are living through the nightmare of having been cheated on, Growth and Change Counseling can help you. We specialize in treating infidelity, helping couples put together a healthy relationship after a betrayal, or even helping couples understand why betrayal happens and how to be confidant that it will never happen in your relationship. Don't wallow in anxiety of uncertainty or the pain of despair.

Individual Therapy for Infidelity

Why do men cheat? Why do women cheat? Why does anyone cheat? Whether you are struggling with the insecurity of wondering how to be certain your partner is faithful to you, or whether you are living through the nightmare of having been cheated on, Growth and Change Counseling can help you. We specialize in treating infidelity, helping couples put together a healthy relationship after a betrayal, or even helping couples understand why betrayal happens and how to be confidant that it will never happen in your relationship. Don't wallow in anxiety of uncertainty or the pain of despair.

Life Coaching

We come alongside people and help them develop the relational intelligence to embrace life and their relationships constructively so that they experience satisfaction and fulfillment. Life Coaching is goal oriented, and present and future focused.

Grief and Loss Counseling

A wise man once wrote, "the sadness of grieving allows our heart to let go of what it cannot have so that it can prepare for what it can have." Death is the great equalizer and Grief is a hard reality of life. At Growth and Change Counseling, we come alongside you and help you engage a healthy grief process that moves you from that point of loss into a place where you are able to give meaning to the person you loved and satisfaction in the new realities of life before you. We are experienced Grief therapists, call us today!

Therapy for Men's Issues

John Kane is a therapist specialized in addressing men's issues from addiction and isolation, to sexual dysfunction, to communication and conflict issues with spouse, father issues with children, and husband issues with spouses. Whatever issue it is you are facing as a man, John Kane is equiped to help you.

Therapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The reality is everyone has a bit of Narcissism because we are all selfish in the way we look at and see the world as individuals. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is frequently thrown around these days, often by partners in relationships to describe their experiences of the other person. Its frequently overused because in the pain of our broken communication, destructive conflicts, and relational isolation, its hard to see the spouse or partner any other way than the box I've put them in. And yet, given relationally intelligent tools many of these couples are then able to experience a radical transformation in their relationship and build true lasting intimacy with one another. That said, there is a true Narcissistic Personality Disorder, less frequent than commonly popularized, but real none the less. I've worked with these cases and its very difficult if not impossible for this type of person to take responsibility for anything they did. If you think you are dealing with someone with this disorder, don't hestitate.

Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a control issue that is used to compensate for the fact that a person feels completely out of control. This disorder can have physiological consequences that can cause physical harm and results in lower seratonin levels in the body. As we support you in reducing anxiety and stresses and increasing your sense of control over multiple aspects of your life, you can begin to experience a reduction in your OCD tendencies and/or find it easier to manage them.

Parent Counseling

Anytime we work with a child, we want to work with the parent, not because the parent might be doing something wrong, but because as a parent you have the single greatest influence in your child's life. Anything that goes from me to your child just is not nearly as effective as anything that goes from you to your child. So we partner with the parents and the child and utilize a collaborative plan.

Postpartum Depression Therapy

Postpartum depression is a form of grief. The person is coming to terms with the reality that their old life is dead and will no longer be the same. The sadness of grief is an important component of Postpartum Depression and is necessary to help the person move towards acceptance and integrated meaning.

Relationship and Marriage Counseling

We are experienced relationship and Marriage Counseling therapists and we can help you. One thing we want you to know is that conflict is your roadmap to intimacy, if you don't have conflict in a relationship, it means that at least one person is suppresssing needs, wants, and desires in order to please their partner and that will not last. When couples learn to do conflict in a healthy way they thrive and grow closer together.


Individual and Couples Therapy sessions are $165 per 45 minute session. If you have insurance you may have coverage as we are in network with many insurances.

Yes, all of our sessions are currently offered exclusively through telehealth video.

Well, it depends on the situation, the issues at hand, and your recovery process. What we can tell you is that we have a foundation all of our clients go through, which takes 6-8 sessions. If you complete the foundations you will likely have everything you need to engage your recovery process, it will just be a matter of responsiblity on your end of how long it takes you to implement and internalize it. ,

While we try to accomodate your preferences, it will depend on your availability and the therapist's availability. In the event it doesn't work out for you to work with the therapist of your choice, you should know that at Growth and Change Counseling you will get the same foundation that has given us our reputation for results, regardless of which therapist you work with.

We value your family as the reference point for your child's mental and emotional well being. The reality is anything that goes from you to your child is more meaningful and effective than anything that goes from me to your child because you have the permanent relationship. We take an integrative approach that looks for all the ways in which we can strenthen the parent - child familial bonds as part of a total solution to addressing the child's behaviors.

The fastest way to schedule an appointment is to call or text John Kane at 408-461-9658

Additional services we offer include Sex Therapy, Sex Addiction Therapy, Sex Abuse Recovery Treatment, Sleep Disorder Therapy, Social Anxiety Therapy, Social Isolation Recovery, Smoking Addiction Treatment, Spiritual Counseling, Therapy for Suicidal Thoughts, and Therapy for Trauma/PTSD

We serve the Los Angeles area

Growth and Change Counseling Inc accepts the following forms of payment: Mastercard, Visa, Insurance

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week by appointment only

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